Friday Jul 19, 2019
What to do When He's Out of Control
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
No matter how wonderful and angelic your child is, nonetheless it is likely that he will throw a fit at some point. When its in public, how embarrassing! If your power options don't work, go to active listening. He's throwing the fit for some reason, and reflecting his feelings will help him calm down. If he is out of control, to where you fear for safety and property, then consider physical restraint. The Nurturing Holding Procedure (NHP) is a safe, compassionate physical restraint where your child understands that you are helping him stay safe and not be destructive, by controlling him physically only until he can control himself. Tantrums are never fun, even exhausting both for your child and for you. But even tantrums can lead to teachable moments, if you manage them effectively.
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
You Count Too, You Know!
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
If your life in your family happens at a break-neck, frantic pace all the time, you need to build into your schedule some "me time." Of course, crises of all shapes and sizes will continue to happen, but with priortizing, delegating, healthy boundaries, and reinforcing, you can get through the crises better and build me time into your day. Some moms of pre-schoolers have actually tole me that they can't even get me time on the toilet behind a closed bathroom door! Rough. Guess what, moms, when you are always available, you will always be counted on. Indespensibility can be a curse! Talk with your spouse and set up a family meeting to pave the way. Also, carving out me time is not just for you. Each person in a family needs to learn the value of how to be alone and occupy their own time productively. In healthy families, everybody counts. You count too, you know.
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
A Very Special Time for You and your Child
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
As a parent, settle down time is an opportunity you never want to miss. This is your child's bedtime. Not all parents get it right, but when you do, you enhance the love and relationship you have with your child. For pre-schoolers who may stall to have more time with you, after about 15-20 minutes of settling down, introduce her to the snuggle bunny. This metaphor helps her be still and quiet. Within minutes she will be sound asleep. Enjoy your settle down time at the end of each day with your child.
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Do You Have A Round Tuit?
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
When it's hard to change old habits that don't work for you, you may need to get a round tuit. Mine is a kitchen potholder that says, "here's what you need when you are not doing what you need to do, and you need to get a round to it." After helping your child sort out his difficulty, using your active listening, ask permission to brainstorm possibilities with him. After he puts together a workable plan, the "Round Tuit" is a humorous prompt to help him put his plan into action. Don't we all need a round tuit at times?
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Up for a Challenge? Say "No."
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Part of effective, healthy parenting is your ability to say "no," mean it, and stick by it. Confronting bad behavior, setting boundaries, and role modeling all require your ability to say "no." Put your hand up in stop sign fashion and firmly tell her "no." When you get blowback, use your active listening to soothe your child's upset, but maintain the "no." Remind your child to accept your decision to avoid further consequences. This will be hard the first several times, especially if you're "the cool parent." Stick to your guns and both of you will survive. Saying "no" is a big part of healthy parenting.
Monday Jun 17, 2019
The Best...Time...Ever with your Child
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
When do you reflect, "Ahh. This is what parenting is all about." Those are the best times ever. You don't have to wait to win the lottery or to go on your dream vacation. These best times ever happen daily when you get to soothe your child and impart your wisdom as well. You see your child's eyes light up. They are calmed and they get it. Teachable moments occur at any time on your life's journey, in good times and even in bad times, depending on how you reach out to her. Don't miss having the best...times...ever with your child.
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
What To Do When There's Too Much To Do
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Oh, boy! You did it now. You and your partner just had your first baby. Parenting is a 24/7/365, full-time, never-ending job. Like a circus act, just how do you keep all those plates spinning in the air at the same time? Several things come to mine. With newborns, when they sleep, you sleep, or at least rest. You can get other things done while your baby is awake, and they will get more quickly used to sharing your time and attention. Also, use your extended family and village to delegate, organize, schedule, make lists, and the like to keep from being overwhelmed and yourself on track. Finally, don't forget to balance self-care with other-care. Good nutrition, rest, play, and exercise is not only good for you, but also increases the quality time you do have with your baby. Try these things when you wonder what to do when there's too much to do.
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Kids Will Help Each Other Grow
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
If you are not parenting an only child, then you contend with sibling rivalry. That doesn't have to be a bad thing. Younger children tend to look up to their older siblings and want to be just like them. Help you older children be good role models for the younger ones. Siblings close in age tend to grow up together. If there are 3 years or more between the siblings, they tend to have separate peer groups. Siblings may fight likes cats and dogs together, but let someone else pick on one of them and they stick together. They also always want to know which one of them you love better. Don't fall for that. In fact, you love each for the unique qualities each brings to the family and to the world.
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Behavior Management 2.0
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Because you are a parent, you use some form of behavior management with your children. The question is, does what you are using hurt or help him grow responsibily? Just because your parent may have used the belt on you doesn't make it the right form of discipline. What does your child learn from such punishment, except maybe to fear you? In Teachable Moments: Building Blocks of Christian Parenting I share with you The Good Kid Chart. This is a relational, involving, 4-step process to help your child invest in responsibility and character-building. In addition to correcting him, you can also develop a teachable moment.
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Balance Talking & Listening
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
When things are going well, make lots of conversation with your children. Direct, instruct, or just check in with them. When you notice signs of emotional fever, use your active listening to help your child calm down and get perspective. When her fever seems to have subsided, ask permission before offering your own thoughts and perspective. Healthy parenting is the are of balancing talking and listening to bring the best our of your child.